Monday, January 31, 2011

We went to Italy!

Unfortunately Glen had to work.  Fortunately I got to hop on trains every day and go somewhere new.  A busy 5 days...I went to visit Italy's "Big Three", the leaning tower of Pisa, Il Duomo in Florence, and the Colosseum in Rome and stood in awe of all of them, they did not disappoint.  I also went to St. Peter's Square and Basilica.  Then walked over to the Pantheon.  I met these 2 lovely ladies on the train one day that had just visited Vernazza.  I had never heard of it before so I went to investigate the next day.  It was a long train ride but so worth it.  It was a cute little coastal town, population 500.  I've never seen anything like it.  

I'm also developing my solo travel philosophy.  It can be intimidating.  It can be exhilarating.  It can be depressing at times, though very short-lived.  It's full of fortune and misfortune, pleasure and pain.  There's a sense of freedom to make your own agenda.  But it also made me a little bit morose not to be able to share the amazing experience with someone.  One thing I've learned is to never underestimate my ability to learn and adapt and to quit fretting about every new encounter.  It all works out in the end.  And boy, I'm glad I had the opportunity.      

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Il Duomo in Florence

Ponte Vecchio (Florence)

Vernazza of the Cinque Terre

St. Peter's Basilica

Inside the Pantheon

The Colosseum

Practicing the Art of Happiness

I forgot to share this with my non-facebook friends!  So here you have it.  Only in Delhi can you see the Dalai Lama and The Prodigy in the same week.  The Dalai Lama spoke in English and was very giggly the entire lecture.  He gave some good reminders of how to find the positive in any situation.  We get so caught up in our lives.  We put our blinders on.  We get mad and frustrated over trivial things.  We get mad at each other, we hurt each other, forgetting our common humanity.  So take the time to be grateful for the blessings you receive each day.  The Prodigy was a great gig.  Live shows give us a certain kind of energy that we get addicted to.  So glad they toured through Delhi.  Wish there were more shows that came this way.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

You can't tell but it really is The Prodigy (and a bunch of dust)

First time since childhood that I've been on someone's shoulders!  Go Glen!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Out and about

I feel this need to validate and justify our reasons for so much travel.  I don’t mean to sound like a complete dick saying this but we’re off again.  Out of Delhi for the 5th time in 5 months.  There are several reasons for all the traveling we do.  I hate giving off the impression that we do whatever we want, whenever we want.  Truth be told, we are fortunate in that the company Glen works dog-heartedly for gives us certain benefits to ‘keep us happy’ so that we’ll stay in India for our agreed duration.  We knew we would take advantage of our situation being in S. Asia.  We knew we would spend this time in our lives traveling as much as we could prior to having kids and settling down a bit.  Glen travels a lot for work, he always has.  But I think some people mistake it for a luxury when really he is catching 2am flights only to get off the plane and head straight to work all day, have work meetings until late, and get up early the next morning to work again.  He rarely ever gets the chance to enjoy the new cities he finds himself in.  He only sees the inside of hotel rooms, taxi’s, factories, and airports.  This particular trip is Glen’s annual work meeting in Florence.  He hated the thought of leaving me alone in Delhi so here I am  in Florence, getting ready to take a train (all by my lonesome, woohoo!) to Rome.  He’ll be working all day every day so I’m gonna’ go bugger off (told ya I’d be using some English slang) for a day or two.  Reflecting on how much travel I’ve done in the past year.  There was a time not that long ago when I had to plan ahead for such a trip and save up money to take that trip because I didn’t want to put a luxury on a credit card.  I think there is value in doing that when you don’t have a lot of disposable income.  Nothing in life has come easy for me so in a way I feel guilty for the good fortune I’ve had by meeting Glen and being able to travel the world.  Before I had met him I had only gone to Costa Rica and Amsterdam in my adult life.  I’ve also traveled all over the U.S. but flying for a few hours puts you in a different state.  It just doesn’t sound as cool as landing in another country like in Europe.  Just in this past year I’ve been to 8 other countries.  That kind of stuff just doesn’t happen to a girl like me.  Believe me, I am grateful.  Jet lagged….but grateful.  My once open eyes are now a little wider, my open mind a little more tolerant, my heart a little softer in some ways, harder in others.  I will try not to take these experiences for granted.  Not everybody gets to see the world.  Not everybody wants to.  But it has been mind blowing and certainly life changing for me.  This girl who struggled to support herself through school, trusted her heart with the wrong people, and who still seeks familial emotional support, acceptance and understanding, who harbors issues with giving up parts of her independence for this chance at happily-ever-after.  I’ve worked hard to get where I am in life.  I am proud of myself.  I can’t say I deserve all this new found freedom from the daily grind because I know people that have struggled more than I have through life.  But I am trying to let myself be spoiled a little bit by someone who promised to give me the world….and is literally doing just what he said he would do….a rarity in my previous experiences.  I’m not done learning and growing, certainly not done working and expanding.  But just for right now, I am going to enjoy this unusual time in my life and learn how to shed the guilt.  Because lord knows…I will be back at work soon enough and hopefully someday back at school.  I don’t want to look back at this experience and wonder why I didn’t just shut up and enjoy this time off.  So to Glen I say thank you.  Thank you for being wonderful, for walking into my life when I didn’t expect you and taking me by complete surprise, for never playing any bullshit games with me, for being my rock, for working so hard even when you don’t want doesn’t go unnoticed.  Thank you for understanding how hard it was for me to leave everything and thank you for making it worth it.     

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blimey Blokey Bollocks!

I love having a British boyfriend.  Yes, I do love the accent and I can't help being charmed by the little cultural phrases and differences.  Let me share with you a few:  
  • blimey
  • bloke
  • bollocks 
  • mate
  • going to the 'loo' for a 'wee'
  • knackered
  • shattered
  • gutted
  • faff (hassle)
  • rubbish
  • fancy a cuppa tea?
  • bacon butty's (bacon sandwich)
  • pork pies
  • crisps instead of chips
  • chips instead of french fries
  • bugger (as in 'damn') 
  • bugger off  (as in skidaddle)
  • fag for cigarette(this one still makes me giggle, I know I'm immature)
  • mingin' (ugly or horrible)
  • holiday (instead of vacation)
  • aw'right love (my favorite greeting)
  • cheers (as a way of saying thanks)
  • watching the telly
  • pottering around town
  • queue-ing instead of waiting in line
  • Kendal Mint Cakes ~ thanks for the diabetes Lucy!
  • beans in my breakfast
  • tea meaning not tea but dinner
  • eating with a fork in my left hand and a knife in my right for every meal
  • going to the cinema to watch a film rather than a theater to watch a movie
  • semi-detached houses
  • lorries instead of trucks (18-wheelers)
  • car parks instead of parking lots
  • hire cars instead of renting a car
  • jumpers instead of sweaters
A specific Yorkshire-ism "Shut yer cake oil"...meaning shut your cake hole (mouth).  A personal favorite.

So if you hear me talking like this, you know why....I'm so easily influenced!  Too bad my best imitation is either an Austin Powers accent or Dick Van Dyke.  Oh...I miss the UK!!!    

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jolly good 'ole time

We went to the UK for the holidays.  We stayed at Glen's mum's house for most of the first week where we spent Christmas.  There's a beautiful walking trail behind her house.  One of my favorite things to do is walk to a pub, eat pub food and have a few pints next to the fire.


To get in the spirit I decided we should make Christmas cookies.  
Stars, Christmas trees, and angels

Supervised by Mummy Parkes!

Glen started off all cute making angels holding hands.  And then he did this....  

Boys will be boys!

Time for pressies...

And a lovely 3-way Skype chat with my brother and sister.  Missing them so much!

Technology is so cool

The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day in the UK.  Traditionally Glen goes to see his favorite football team, Sheffield United.  He is so loyal despite them being rubbish (yup, I'm already using British terms!).  This is a rare, happy moment during the game after finally scoring a goal in the 2nd half.

Glen's brother Neil ....and Glen

Brammall Lane.  Glen's favorite place on earth.

My first taste of Bovril (hot beef broth)

Official Blades fans

Walked around Sheffield where Glen grew up.

Mulled wine at the German Christmas market

It was time to catch up with friends...all of who (whom?) are coming to the wedding.  YAY!  

Big Dave, Lucy, Ryan, & Tock (L-R)

Then it was off to Keswick in the Lake District with Ryan and Lucy for the New Year.  We ate lots of cake, thanks to Lucy.  I love her.

Carrot cake, my personal favorite.

Ate more pub food.  We were secretly trying to eat as much meat as we could because we knew we wouldn't get it back in India.

Played silly games.  

Ventured out at midnight.

Starting the new year off right

Celebratory champagne
In Lucy's defense of the above photo...she wanted to bring champagne flutes but we made her drink out of the bottle.  She's much classier than we are.

Took a leisurely walk on New Year's Day.

Visited a pencil museum.  We know how to have fun!

Ryan and Lucy

Happy New Year everyone!  I'd like to write something introspective about how it's going to be another great year (we're getting married this year!  Woop Woop!) but I have a holiday hangover and facing the harsh realities of being back in India.  Oh and jetleg.  Jetlag is a bitch!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm a liar!

I noticed that I wrote in my last post that I thought I was starting to like it here.  Well then why oh why was it so hard to face coming back here after a holiday in the UK?  Normally I look forward to going home from a trip but not this time.  I wanted to stay where there was hot water, pressurized water, water from the tap that I could drink and brush my teeth with.  I wanted to stay where I had the company of new friends and family.  I wanted to stay where I could safely go on a beautiful walk out my front door.  I wanted to stay at every pub.  I wanted to stay in front of that cozy fireplace watching the snow fall.  I wanted to stay where we could hop in the car at any time of the day at our leisure and go wherever we wanted to.  I wanted to stay where I could shop in a normal grocery store and get everything I need in one place and where my Chee-tos cravings don't cost me 8 bucks.  I wanted to stay where I could shop for clothes that fit my body, personality, and lifestyle.  I wanted to stay and eat all the steak sandwiches that had real beef in them.  I wanted to stay and breathe the fresh air, not these noxious fumes.  I wanted to stay where it was quiet, where people on the road drive in their lanes and obey basic traffic laws without honking incessantly.  I wanted to stay where the garbage man doesn't wake me up by yelling.  I wanted to stay where dogs were on leashes, not roaming the streets starving for food and attention.  I wanted to stay where there aren't grief-stricken children banging on my car window begging for food at traffic lights.  I wanted to stay where I blend in with the crowd instead of being stared at like I have a horn growing out of my head. 

I spoke to my new friend here in Delhi who lives right behind me and shares a similar sentiment as she just returned from her home in the Netherlands.  She warned me that you shouldn't return home for at least 9 months after moving abroad.  That you should explore the country you are living in if you crave travel.  And it makes perfect sense.  Even though England is not my home, it has a lot of what makes me happy.  Or perhaps it's England's charm...everything India doesn't have.  It probably was a bad idea to go back so soon.  We need to explore India more.  Like Kerala and the Himalayas.  Seriously, Delhi is NOT the place to be.  Great for a quick visit but I know India has so much more to offer.  And I'm determined to find it before our time here is up.  How much do you want to visit me now?  

If anything, living in India has already highlighted some important facts for me.  That I miss my friends and family, my home, my job, my dog, my favorite foods.  I don't regret leaving.  Because the alternative would be that Glen wouldn't be in my life as much as he is.  And that is absolutely unacceptable for me.  When you find love like this, you hold on with everything you have...even if it means temporarily letting go of all the things you once had.

p.s.  I changed to purple script because bright pink was hurting my eyeballs!