Friday, August 24, 2012

Good intentions

I always get on this thing intending to write something clever, witty, or just to catch you up with my life.  But every time I get on, I end up reading what YOU, my fellow bloggers have to say.  By the time I'm done reading I have forgotten what it is that I wanted to say.  And then I get tired.  And when you're a new mama....sleep always wins.

Things on my mind:  All things mommy, the newness of it all.  Our California road trip.  What the future holds.

You have to admit, I'm pretty rubbish at this blogging thing.  Ahhh...tomorrow is another day.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Since I didn't know where to start, I'll start where I left off...

It's been quite the year with major changes.  Glen and I found out we were pregnant while we were in India.  Yup, we made a honeymoon baby.  Lucky us!  Getting pregnant wasn't all that easy so you can imagine our joy when we got the positive test result.  My first thought was "I can't/won't have this baby in Delhi"!  Though it could be done, I just didn't want to.  I loved my OB/GYN in Delhi but I couldn't face my first pregnancy with worrying about getting sick from food and water, mosquitos, and then having to worry about getting to a hospital in Delhi thanks.  Nope, I wanted my first experience to be in the US or the UK.  So Glen got on the job boards at work.  I really thought we'd end up in the UK, either Aberdeen or Bristol.  Glen casually asked "Where's Longmont, CO"?  I replied "Apply for it, it's really close to Denver"!  Lo and behold, he got the job and here we are.  Fast forward a move back to Colorado, a relatively easy pregnancy, and BAM!  here we are a family of 3.  4 counting Kona.  Life is good to us.  We seriously get everything that we project out into the universe.  Sometimes I think it's too good to be true.  Somebody pinch me.  

I'm still thinking about which direction I want to project this blog.  At first it was about travels but my life has changed.  We're staying put these days.  Save for a car trip to California with a 3 month old.  Oh lordy....was that an experience!  So it might turn into a blog about us, as a family.  It sounds a little boring...but I think it will help us stay connected to our family and friends who are out there in other states and countries.  

Thanks for the encouragement!  To be continued...