Friday, May 27, 2011

Washing the gray right outta my hair

Today was the day I got rid of all the gray hair that India has given me.  Thanks India, but no thanks.  I don't know if you remember but back in January my hair was falling out in handfuls.  Luckily it stopped after 6 weeks.  I gave it time to grow back so today I thought it was high time to make a visit to a local salon for a cut and color.  The place came friend recommended and we were actually there last week with Glen as my guinea pig.  They did a pretty good job with him so I thought I'd go for it.  With much trepidation I sat in the barber's chair and rattled off a list of my worries.  "Please don't chop off too much, I'm getting married in July and want my hair longish.  I don't want my hair to fall out.  I don't want you to turn my hair red or orange".  You know, the usual requests.  Fortunately all turned out well, the gray is gone, my hair is a little lighter and healthier and I am much more happy.  For 50 bucks you can't beat that!  

The funniest bit about the whole thing is that the salon was so crowded.  Not necessarily of customers but mostly employees.  There is a guy for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!  There was one guy to cut and color my hair but there was another guy to brush my hair, another guy to wash my hair, another guy to blow dry my hair while yet a another guy was drying/styling my hair, another guy to bring me some water, and another guy to bring me tea.  Oh my goodness how do you leave a tip?!!!  If there were only more guys at the post office, one could be a stamp licker....THAT would make me a happy camper!  (see post below)


  1. stamp licker...HAHAHAHA!

    You make me laugh, Jenn!

  2. You lost your hair, too?? I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am to hear that this happened to someone else that moved away. My hair came out in CLUMPS - seriously, I'm surprised I'm not bald and that the drain in the shower isn't all clogged up. It seems to have mellowed out a bit, but still seems more is falling out than what I perceive as normal.

  3. No photos of the new 'do? I am glad it all worked out for you. When I visited a salon in Calcutta, I was not so lucky. I am not sure I have ever seen Jeremy laugh so hard.
