Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm so dumb! (surprise!)

Oh my geez.  I changed the title of my blog, so changed the url....not realizing that other people have the previous url saved. So when you clicked on The Delhi Diaries...there was nothing there.  Oops!  Sorry folks.  So now I'm wondering if I just leave this one alone and start a whole new blog altogether.  Because it makes no sense to still have it labeled as Delhi Diaries when clearly, I am not in Delhi.  Any suggestions people?  Anybody archive and jump ship on an old blog to start a new one?  Blah, I feel like I can't get a hold of this stupid thing.  Since I took so much time off I am playing catch up on my layout and how this thing works again...notice how I haven't posted any pictures lately?  Blargh!!!  And while you are at it can someone give me a lesson on customizing my photos to have writing on it and then making it the title of my page?  Athena?  Summer?  You savvy bloggers, you.  

You are so patient.  And that is why you are my friend.


  1. DAHLING...if you started a new blog you could have this blog automatically send you there. Somehow. I've seen people do it.

    Or you could just leave The Delhi Diaries as it is. I know you're not there anymore, but it's so catchy! And you WERE there, so it's a part of your life, so it's not like it's totally misinformative. I love Parkes and Rec too. I'd just hate for you to lose all your blog history!

  2. Summer is correct - you can link your old blog to your new one. Anyone that has the old url can enter it in, but will be directly taken to your new blog. Not sure if you ever noticed that ours does that; somehow my geeky husband was able to do it. I'll ask him what he thinks you can do. I do understand your desire to change the name of your blog though and I wonder if in your new layout you could create a section titled Delhi Diaries and have a link. (similar to how i link to blogs I read or shops i support) People could go to it to read up about your time in India and you won't lose that lovely history.

  3. Thanks guys! It's a mystery to me at this point but I'll work on it. I appreciate your input.
