Friday, November 4, 2011


Just an example of a lack of planning in these parts...

They started the pedestrian bridge, realized they couldn't go pass the overpass on the left, so stopped the bridge half way across the road.  Pointless!  And what a waste of money!

Perfect place for a pole...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rain or shine...apparently the show WON'T go on...

Looks like we're SOL when it comes to satellite transmission for our television....

So that's pretty much the entire monsoon season...

WHAT?  The sun went out???

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Eeny meeny miney mo!

This is my light switch panel for my bedroom (that's ONE room folks!).  In the U.S. I have one switch to flick.  Clearly, too many choices here.  Maybe this is contributing to the daily power outage problem?