Friday, August 24, 2012

Good intentions

I always get on this thing intending to write something clever, witty, or just to catch you up with my life.  But every time I get on, I end up reading what YOU, my fellow bloggers have to say.  By the time I'm done reading I have forgotten what it is that I wanted to say.  And then I get tired.  And when you're a new mama....sleep always wins.

Things on my mind:  All things mommy, the newness of it all.  Our California road trip.  What the future holds.

You have to admit, I'm pretty rubbish at this blogging thing.  Ahhh...tomorrow is another day.


  1. Tomorrow IS another day. I sometimes go months without blogging, but it's OK. It's my blog and not some high school English project.

    I'm looking forward to reading about your road trip. I've always wanted to visit CA.

    I miss you!

  2. Weeee! I'm so happy that you wrote something, even if it's a few sentences. It helps me feel just a tad bit more connected to you. I never write anything witty and let's be honest, I'm kinda boring. No matter, my mother in law loves it and well, it's always nice to please the MIL! xoxo Miss you. (Miss Stephanie, too!)
