Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I'm into my pre-pregnancy jeans! That is supposed to be good news...

I'm happy to report that I finally squeezed myself into my pre-pregnancy (favorite Joe's jeans) jeans!  Yeah...too bad I have the most enormous MUFFIN TOP!!!  Buzzkill.  It's totally ok that I am still wearing my stretchy maternity clothes, right?  Minus the lack of fashion and the limited does great for my self esteem (note sarcasm).

It's so hard not to compare yourself to other moms out there.  But when I was finding out that women were getting back to their pre-pregnancy weight 2 weeks after giving birth to their second child, I was only a tad envious.  Maybe they are a freak of nature.  Maybe they have good genes.  Maybe they were getting good exercise before and during their pregnancies.  Whatever the case.  I am miffed.  Want to know why?  Because it has been almost six whole months since I had a baby.  And guess what is perfectly snuggled around my mid-section?  Oh, let's not lie here, why not add to the list my fat arms and thighs?  Seriously, I don't remember carrying a baby in my arms and legs!  Except for a short two week stint at CrossFit 3 months post preggers (bad idea), I haven't found the energy to exercise on a regular basis.  I take a long walk once or twice a week.  Poppy usually gets irritated about half way through so I end up taking her out of her stroller and carrying her while pushing the stroller and walking Kona at the same time.  Not my idea of fun.  At least we get fresh air.  I know there are ways to get out of the house.  I could do a mommy and me class, have Glen watch kiddo, or find a place with daycare.  So what is my problem?  I have no excuse other than unmotivation (I don't think that's even a word) and timing a class with Poppy's random sleep schedule.  Save for a short modeling stint when I was a teenager, I reminisce of the days where I didn't think about my weight.  I played hard and that was my form of exercise.  In India I got super toned doing yoga regularly but you wouldn't be able to tell that now, thanks to my "bye bye" arm (you know, the under bit tricep area that wiggles long after you stopped waving good-bye).  Well there's only one way out of this and it is up to me.  We're already thinking about baby number 2 and I'm not ready for my belly to become a permanent source of squish.  I want to feel strong again.  I want to go snowboarding.  I want to go hiking.  I want to swim a mile again without getting exhausted after two laps.  I want to play with my kid(s).  I want them to see a healthy mommy.  Well, at least I'm talking about it.  Maybe I can turn my words into action.  And whoever said breastfeeding burns a lot of calories and helps you lose the weight is a big, fat liar.  I know I'm not the only one out there.  I know I need to be gentle with myself.  My body is purely functional right now, and that function is a source of nourishment to my gorgeous, gorgeous child.  And for right now, that is ok with me.  

This leads me into another discussion which I will probably talk about in another post.  Diet.  Argh.        


  1. Too bad you live in BFE! We could be exercise buddies and help motivate each other.

  2. Ah, the ever waving grandma swing. I feel ya, sister. I remember watching the scale go down after having my kiddo and then one day it stopped going down and slowly started creeping up... up... up. I want my daughter to understand a healthy lifestyle so I take her to the gym with me (couldn't do that when she was a baby because she would CRY!!) and she plays while I sweat. I explain to her what I'm doing and she always says "have fun exacizing, mama." It took me four years to finally do it. Don't beat yourself up by comparing yourself to the skinny Seven Jeans wearing mamas out there because it'll only make you feel worse. The only piece of advice I will offer is this: make sure you find time for you. If you want to take a Yoga class, do it. I found every reason not to go and I put Inara first all the time and through the years I've sort of lost myself. I'm working on changing that now and it's a huge hump to get over the longer you let it go. p.s. I hate muffin top.
