Monday, September 27, 2010

Day to day...

so i figured it was about time i contributed again...but life has been so hectic over the past few weeks.  my usual day starts at 7.30 with the evil alarm clock, shower, change, text the waiting driver, hop in the car, say g'mornings to Vinay, small talk about the weather and traffic, turn on the laptop, try to login in while Vinay slams the brakes on, we hit a pothole/bike/pedestrian/tuk-tuk, delete, try to login again, curse, get slightly car sick, log in...rinse and repeat.
90 minutes and many more potholes and traffic jams later we eventually arrive at work.  by this point with all of the honking and traffic, my stress levels are as raised as my heckles, which isnt helped by a daily 2 hour phone meeting with the 'supplier from hell', voices raised, heads shaken, stress, worry, frustration.  the next 8-10 hours are a blur of meetings, phone calls, more meetings, missed deadlines, forgotten promises, and about 300 emails.  emails are a curse here, the philosophy is that if you don't copy everybody and your boss on every conversational email then obviously he will think that you are not working hard.
lunch is a free daily curry with the team, only permeated on a friday when i allow myself a Subway from the food court next door.  spicy food and me havent always had a good relationship...we are getting friendlier, but im not sure i will ever enjoy lunch as much as i try to make out, but im a big advocate of 'when in rome...'
then its back into the car for 90 minutes more of potholes, traffic, honking, small talk with Vinay (which i suck at...Jenn is the ideal car companion for that), finally arriving at the 'devil hotel' around 8pm+, up to room 1203 for a much needed hug and a 'hows your day...' from the future wife.
It seems crass to complain about anything with all of the poverty and sights we see on the roads and around Delhi, and i think we/i are still adjusting to our new daily routines, and coming back to the hotel from hell doesnt help...we have almost moved into our new/own apartment, and we are both placing great significance and hope on moving in.  we are home bodies at heart, and all of this change and newness without a solid oasis-ary base is difficult.  the phrase...'it will be fine once we get our own place' has been muttered many many a time.  once a week i have to travel around india with work for 2-3 days.  i hate leaving jenn stuck in the hotel, i hate early morning flights, long drives, and late nights, but more so i hate leaving jenn alone.  she is doing incredibly well, and its a different jenn to that which could only walk 100 yards down the street 5 weeks ago before wanting to go back to the safety of the hotel.  this is all not easy, we are getting there, slowly...and at India's pace, not our own, but we are getting there.  fingers crossed we move into our own place on wednesday, and im sure 'it will all be fine once we get our own place'.
right now, i have a plane to catch to Chennai to go and look at a forging manufacturer...

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