Wednesday, October 5, 2011


My goodness there have been a lot of changes in cyberworld these days.  Funny how much bitching people do when Facebook updates their website.  It makes me realize that people don't like change unless they're consulted first.  Hey people!  It's a FREE service and it's OPTIONAL!!  You don't HAVE to use it!  Quit grumbling!  I say this as much to you as I say it to myself as I caught myself bitching this morning when I wanted to make a post and noticed that this good old blogger website had finally updated some templates.  I am not super computer savvy and wanted to personalize this blog a little more.  I notice my friends are able to personalize their blogs but I'm a little more retarded than them I guess.  I've tossed around the idea of using instead but I hear that is just as much of a pain and you really just have to navigate and figure it out no matter what site you use.  Since I'm no pro at this I think I'll just stick to what I have going on here.  

With that being said I'm hoping that the new design will inspire me to write more refreshing posts!

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